Thanks for Joining Me

My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Been Sick and Tired...

**********Disclaimer: I thought it deleted. But it was saved in the draft section**********

I returned from Maryland with an ear infection. It has kicked my ass for about almost 2 weeks. Great, right? Yeah, not so much. My abs feel like I have been working out 10 hours a day. My head feels like its going to explode. And this is now when I am feeling better.

So what does a man do when he is sick and has no one to take care of him? Drinks a lot of Cherry Dr Pepper and eats a lot of Chicken Noodle Soup. The rest of the time was spent watching movies or sleeping. The majority of it was sleep.

But from the looks and sounds of people lately, I was not the only sick one. It actually seems like the majority of everyone has come down with one illness or another. Is it because the weather changed so fast? 9 degrees one day and 55 a few days later. I think thats the most likely.

I am pretty happy I slept mostly through Valentines Day. Its a day of love. Something I do not have right now so I prefer to ignore it. Give me Spring Training anyday.

Well, I am just rambling so I am going to finish up. I think I will do a blog about Movies and Games tomorrow. Nothing earth shattering but maybe someone will find a gem they have missed or will learn to love a new movie they never thought they might like or never heard of before. Later.

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