Thanks for Joining Me

My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why? Why? Why?

I lost my baby, Zoey, today. She was taken way before her time. My heart is broken.

Yes, she was a cat. But to me she was more then just a cat. She was one of the most important members of my family. Look at your family and just imagine how you would feel if you woke up one morning and they were laying there lifeless and there was nothing you could do. That's how I am feeling today. Anyone that truly knows me knows this is true.

I got her when she was just a small ball of fluff. She had just gotten fixed and had a little boo boo on her belly. Well I'd kiss it and eventually she'd learn to roll over just so I'd kiss her belly. I still did that, I did it yesterday when I got home from work.

She was so special to me. And I was special to her. When I was married my wife at the time would tell me how when I went to softball Zoey would sit at the top of the steps and just sigh until I got home and she'd perk up and be so happy when I called her name. We played our version of fetch. I'd throw a fuzzy ball, which was her favorite toy, and she'd bring it back to me and make a little couch sound for me to do it again. We'd do it for hours until she got tired of running up and down the steps and she'd lay next to me.

When I was sick she'd stay by my side. When my wife asked me to leave she laid with me while I cried. When I felt I couldn't go on anymore I looked in her face (also Brat's and Buffy's) and knew I had to keep going for them. They counted on me and as their 'Daddy' I wasn't going to let them down.

Life went on and I think recently I was finally giving them a good home. I thought things were going right for us. I was planning my families future with our well being in mind.

Now I am without my baby and I am crushed. I won't be very personable for awhile. Maybe when I get her ashes back next Monday.

I love you so much baby and I miss you. I hope you know that Zoey. I will see you again someday.

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