Thanks for Joining Me

My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hmm... The things you learn

"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed." — The Joker to Batman

I did have a bad day. I have had a shitty week to be exact. In the span of seven days I have lost my kitty and my girlfriend. I did not get the job I wanted. Not because I needed a different job but because I need Medical and Dental Ins. Which goes well with my calf strain and shoulder issues.

But yesterday was a pretty good wake up call. Shitty day turned into shitty evening. Softball was wretched and the drive home was worse. A blown tire in the ghetto* is not the best thing in the world after the day I had. I was ready to just give up.

My brain would have been happy to shutdown. It didn't though. I just got up and did what I had to do because that is what I do.

Life will go on. It won't stop because I have a bad day or week or year or month. Good things have happened and I wouldn't lose those for anything. Bad things come and go.

I know I am not perfect. And when I am angry or hurt I lash out. It happens to me and I know it happens to others. I'll try to make amends with those I have offended. I know I have already tried.

Oh well. Maybe they aren't ready yet to know I only want the best for them

But as you can see... The Joker was wrong about me.

*Horrible traffic jam on 95 on the way home. My GPS is a dick and sent me in the middle of shit town.

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