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My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Softball Part 1: Good and Bad Times


Over the past few years I have been running a softball team. The first year it was mostly just getting people together to go out and have some manly fun. We lost a lot of games but we got to run around and be with other guys. No family drama when we were on the field. Playing for a friend I hurt my foot. But it was near the end of the year so it was nothing major.

But the next year things changed. I had been going to a therapist because I had a bit of depression. Things started looking up in the spring. I was so looking forward to softball that I guess I missed the signs at home. My wife and I seperated soon into the season.

My only escape at the time was playing ball. Its the only time I did not feel dead inside. I hit better then ever and we even won some games. But I got overwhelmed. I think I overdid it. A few times my foot injury flared up and I could not walk for a day or two.

Last year things just kept falling apart with people not showing up more then ever before.

Some of The Good/ The Bad:

Good - Family & Friends - Getting to play with friends and family was great. Because of family and work I barely got to see my friends much. But during the season I'd have a couple of hours a week to catch up with them all and see whats new face to face.

Bad - Unappreciated - People seem to think its easy getting people together for softball. Its not. You'd think adults would get a schedule and just show up when they are supposed to... but they don't. There are exceptions but the majority was just an issue.

Good - Competition - Be it us vs them or a friendly in team competition to see who would finish with most HRs or hits.

Bad - No Show/ No Call - People know ahead of time that they have things they are doing but do not let me know. The people on the team look at me like its my fault. Its a group full of adults, I am not the father. People don't call or email or anything just shows no respect for anyone on the team.

Good - Great Plays - Watching someone pull a play out of their ass always brings a smile to my face. I have done it. Others have done it. But nothing is more fun then seeing the face of someone on the other team go from happy to annoyed in 1/2 a second.

Bad - No Respect - No one seems to care about the shit I have done for them. I have been thrown out of games defending my players. I have driven half an hour out of my way to just pick someone up for practice. If someone plays for me I will always have their back. But I am not even given a little bit of respect.

Good - First Game of the Year - I am usually the most pumped about the first game. The day is a little brighter, the smell is a little sweeter. Everyone is exactly the same 0-0.

Bad - Best Friends Quit - Some of my best friends quit on me. Sure some were tired of the crap from people on the team but the team is me. My friends are very important to me and I started my team to be able to play with them. I have gotten up in the middle of sleeping to help them. Always there and always will be. But it will always feel like I was quit on no matter what they say.

Good - Winning - When it happens after a hard fought game it felt great. I could not fall asleep for hours after being so pumped up.

Bad - Egos - Som people have huge egos that I had to deal with. Sure one week they will do whatever they need for the team. And then the next they are a superstar that wants to play every inning even if they misplay half the balls hit to them. They get upset when I play someone who they do not think is as good as them. Not thinking that everyone should get to play. Especially the guys that showed up when they decided to no show/no call.

To Be Continued...

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