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My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My best and worst of 2012: Movies

The year ended and I have nothing better to do then to write lists. So... here we are...


- Favorite Family Film - ParaNorman - Brave did not live up to my Pixar expectations. ParaNorman had a kid who could see dead people and a cute fat kid with hummus. Also it had Zombies... in a kids movie!

- Favorite Comedy - 21 Jump Street - Ted was not as funny as I expected but I am not really a Masky Mark fan. But to be fair I am not a big Jonah Hill or Channing Tatum fan either. Actually I do not really enjoy either of them. But they clicked in 21 Jump Street. It was funny and did not try too hard. Also hada couple of cool cameos.

- Favorite Horror - Cabin in the Woods - Cabin was pretty much the only Horror film I have watched more then once this year. I had to just to catch all the little things you might miss.

- Favorite Action - Marvel's The Avengers - The Marvel Super Superhero movie directed by Joss Whedon was bad ass. Other then oddities like Black Widow knocking out a bad guy with her hair and why War Machine couldn't join in on the fun.

- Favorite Movie - Marvel's The Avengers - Surprised. Yeah me too.

- Biggest Disappointment - The Dark Knight Rises - Ok this might go on for a long while...

TDKR was a fine enough film full of huge plot holes but I think my biggest issue is that they turned Batman into a little bitch and pretty much means that The Joker won. The Joker's job in The Dark Knight was to kill The Batman. Well after the events of TDK the Batman was not seen for 8 years. Pretty much killing the Batman.

In Batman Begins Bruce Wayne traveled around the world for years. Learning and looking for ways to stop injustice. Doing whatever it took. He returns to Gotham and works hard at it. But he falls in love with his childhood friend who he never even dated. Batman became a love sick puppy? What happened to his mission? Batman quit because the girl he liked died.

Don't say he quit because he took the blame for Dent. Batman was a vigilante. He was going to be hunted by the police anyway. Its not like he couldn't escape them... like he did in each movie.

Now let us look at the new characters we got:
Bane - They used none of Bane's comic book back story. No Venom. No King of Pena Dura prison. They made him an English Mercenary with a speaking/ breathing issue.

Selina Kyle - She was never called Catwoman only a Cat Burglar. I think Anne Hathaway did a good job even though the romance angle with Batman seemed to have no chemistry.

John Blake - Who was this guy? Why did he have more screen time then Alfred? Then Gordon? Then Fucking Batman!?!?!? Yeah and the tact on Robin thing was BS. Hell they should have named him McInnis if they wanted to use that ending.

Nolan ruined the Batman Mythos. Bruce Wayne is broke? Gotham is taken hostage? Batman retired after maybe 2 years of Crusading... I don't get it.

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