Thanks for Joining Me

My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Accident 12-22-14

On a cold, drizzling morning of December 22nd, 2014 I woke up early to head to work. Some might not think 5:30 is early but this is how I remember it. I did my morning routine and head to work because they needed me to help unload a truck.

Having made my last payment on Saturday I was pretty happy heading out. It was going to be a good week. Or so I had thought.

Drove down to the 695 exit without an issue and hopped on the highway. No problems until...

The white truck in front of my slammed on his breaks and veered to the right. I slammed on my breaks too but I veered left to try to avoid him. The slightly damp pavement made it hard for either of us to stop. Then he veered to the left. In a last effort I went right hoping to go onto the shoulder and into the grass. But that was not to be, as the white truck then went right again. Possibly having the same idea. That's when we collided.

He later told the officer that a car cut across in front of him to get to the exit that caused him to swerve and lose control.

My truck looks to be totalled. And now his insurance is trying to blame me. I didn't cut in front. I didn't slam on the brakes on 695 because someone cut in front. I didn't swerve back and forth on 695. Only thing I did was fear for my life and hit the white truck that lost control.