Thanks for Joining Me

My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kindle Time Wasters

I own a Kindle Fire HD which I use for emails, shopping, videos, internet exploring, and many others including playing games. So here I will pass along my knowledge of 5 games/apps I am currently playing/using on it:

Dungeon Keeper - FREE - It's kind of like being a basic DM. You get a dungeon that you can make your own. It starts off with some basic stuff that you can upgrade or buy more. Using Imps to do most of the work you dig out areas to build more rooms. Like most everything you can buy GEMs to speed up the process but its better to save those for buying Imps.

I have heard this is an awful version of a classic old game I never played. But since I am new to it I enjoy it. It's a fun waste of a few minutes or hours a day.

Rating: 3.5/5

The Simpsons: Tapped Out - FREE - Its a community builder using The Simpsons. Homer destroys Springfield so you have to remake it however you want. I have been playing this game for about a year. I have enjoyed it. It at times makes me laugh and that's what you get from The Simpson's. You can get premium items with DONUTs but I haven't bought them before. I have bought a premium scratch off which I think is the better offer. Lowest amount of DONUTs you can buy is the same as one scratch off. Scratch offs can give you a lot more.

After a year I still play it for like 20 minutes a day during my work breaks.

Rating: 4/5

Candy Crush Saga - FREE - I think everyone has seen this on Facebook at least 100 times. Its the same basic game. After a year of playing it I have pretty much deleted it from my Kindle. Not that it is not still enjoyable, I just disagree with KING the creators trying to copyright every word. How do you try and own the word Candy or Saga? How do you sue people that do?

Rating: 2.5/5

The Walking Dead: Season 1 - 1st Ep: FREE/ Purchase the rest - It's not the social game on Facebook. This is the Tell Tale point and click adventure that won a ton of awards. Well written and heart breaking. I bought it on XBOX Live when it first came out and will most likely get the whole thing on my Kindle too. If you enjoy the show I think you would like the game.

Rating: 5/5

Pandora - FREE - I enjoy streaming music like anyone. You can purchase a subscription but I don't just because I don't have the ability to stream music at work. No wifi means less use out of it. Pick an artist and enjoy. I have KORN as my main station but I added Deadmau5 and a few others to it. You can even combine stations to really get the playlist closest to one you want