Thanks for Joining Me

My blog is here to bring hope and enjoyment to one and all. Just kidding. Its for me. I have a lot of crap running through my head and I need a place to stick it. So I'll stick it here. I hope to at least entertain you for a few hundred words.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

FML? Seriously? Get over yourself...

The other day I was playing on Facebook and watching FOX NEWS. As I was reading FB I saw someone had a bad day at work. They finished the post with FML. On the news I was seeing a body was found in the woods.  

I got a bit angry. Someone has a bad day but has pretty much everything else going for them and they think to themselves Fuck My Life. You know what? Get over it. Shit happens but it could be fuckin' worse.

You know who should be thinking FML?

- The parents of Levi Aron.
- The people of Japan who lost everything including their family and friends.
- The troops who go out there everyday and risk their lives.

I could go through plenty more but I hope you get my point.

Shit happens but it could be worse. Remember to be grateful for what you do have. Think FML to yourself and if you have to write a post about how your life is so bad end it with CBW (could be worse) because you will not get pity from me.

I was actually going to really go off on Friday. But after cooling off a bit I thought this would be better.